Ice Hawks Trivia Night

Join us for a fun-filled Trivia Night Fundraiser in support of the Southern Illinois Ice Hawks Youth Hockey! Test your knowledge across a variety of topics, enjoy great company, and help raise funds for our growing youth hockey program. There will be exciting prizes, raffles, and refreshments available. All proceeds go towards equipment, travel, and supporting the development of young athletes. Gather your team, sharpen your minds, and support the Ice Hawks as they continue to soar on and off the ice!
Friday November 1st 2024
Doors Open At 6pm
Trivia Starts At 7PM
$150 / Table
Bring your own team
8 people per table
$10 - Mulligans (1 per round)
Other Details
- 50/50 Raffle
- Silent Auction
- Wheelbarrow of Booze Raffle
Sponsorships Available
- Premier Sponsors - Ask for Pricing
- Round Sponsors - $100
Contact for sponsorship opportunities.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is my sponsorship or donation to the Southern Illinois Ice Hawks tax deductible?
Yes! The Southern Illinois Ice Hawks (SIIH) is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (Tax ID 26-1094556), which means that donations and sponsorships are generally tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor to confirm how this applies to your specific situation.
Can I bring my own food and drink? Are there any options to order food?
You may bring your own food, snacks and water, however, all alcohol must be purchased at the bar due to liquor license laws. If you're looking to order food, a wonderful BBQ joint can be found right in the kitchen of KoC, Smoke and Kettle (owners of Beast BBQ). We highly encourage you to check them out. You can order ahead of time (1 week in advance) or the night of.
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We are not currently accepting registrations for this program.