Monster Mash

All 6u, 8u White and Blue teams welcome!
October 21-22, 2023
6u teams - $125/team
8u teams - $375/team
All games will be played at McKendree Metro Rec Plex in O'Fallon, IL
What's Included?
Attendance gift for all participants
Event T-Shirts
Monster Mash pre-ordered t-shirts can be picked up at McKendree Metro Rec Plex the day of the event.
T-shirts will also be available for purchase the day of the event (personalization not available)
Game Format
6u: 3 18 minute- games guaranteed, 1/3 sheet ice split
8u: 4 24 minute-games guaranteed, 1/2 sheet ice split
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We are not currently accepting registrations for this program.